Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Day In The Life Of...

After getting the kids & hubby out the door I started my day off with Kendall Hogan's Bootcamp Cal Burn on Exercise TV.  I totally recommend this exercise routine.  To me Kendall's routines are easy to follow yet effective calorie burning workouts, and believe me I need the easy to follow workouts because I'm not very coordinated.

Took my shower then chatted on the phone with my sis for I think about an hour and a half. Wow....I'm amazed at the time that can pass while chit chatting on the phone.  About the first half was talk of business, but then it did turn to talk of our kids and the crazy things we as parents go through...won't get into any specifics on that though.  To quote my nephew Owen, "Some things we just don't share".

I talked on fb with an old friend I haven't seen or talked to in about 20 years.  Hi Vanessa if you are reading this. : )  This is when I ate lunch and did some internet advertising for my business.

After eating I decided to do some cleaning.  I started with the laundry and wondered yet again why my kids don't quite get the concept of the clothes hamper.  Guess I am going to have to break them of this like I did my oldest....if she had dirty clothes on the floor, they didn't get washed.  She caught on eventually.

Then I moved onto the bathroom and cleaned it using Melaleuca's Tub & Tile, Sol-U-Guard Disinfectant, and Clear Power Window Cleaner. Thanks Melaleuca for making safer better products.  I can use them and know that they work, but the best part is I don't feel like I need a gas mask.

Yesterday for some unknown reason my son, and I do mean unknown because when I asked him why he did this he gave the infamous kid answer I don't know, took some Indian corn we had outside for the squirrels and decided to strip the kernels off and put them all over the front porch.  I wasn't aware of this until I put the dog out late last night.  I was going to sweep it off myself today but then thought better of it.  He should do it.  My son is in Math Club at school and stays after every Tuesday and Thursday.  He is to be picked up by 4:15, but apparently I haven't quite come off of Christmas vacation myself because I forgot to pick him up.  Boy, did I feel bad.  I ran out of the house, slippers and all. I was 20 minutes late but don't you know there was still one kid left after him, so that alleviated some of my guilt. You probably think I didn't make him sweep the porch after that, but nope I still made him do it.  : )

Also today I had my first quality customer enrollment with Melaleuca.  YAH!  I listened in on the 7:00 Melaleuca Power Hour too.  It was very motivating.

Ended my night by watching the season premiere of The Biggest Loser and finishing this post.  So excited about having a new season to watch.

So to alleviate more of my guilt, has anyone else out there ever forgot to pick their child up?


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