Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone!

What are your New Year's Eve plans?  I will have to live vicariously through everyone else because we don't go out on New Years Eve anymore, so please sound off in the comments and let me know what fun and crazy stuff you are doing.  Even if you are only spending a quiet night at home I would love to hear about it.  At my house I will probably be the only one awake come midnight, well Ronnie will probably still be up.  He has taken to staying up pretty late and then sleeping in in the mornings this Christmas vacation.  It's going to be hell trying to get him up for school come Monday morning.

But anyway, hope everyone has a fun time with whatever plans they may have but please be safe.  And for those who may over indulge here is an article on hangover remedies.  Just trying to be helpful. :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Benefits of Exercising

We all need exercise in our lives.  The benefits of exercising are tremendous.  I myself strive to do an actual exercise routine 4 to 5 times a week.  My favorite way to exercise is through Exercise TV on Comcast OnDemand.  However, I am always including some type of exercise in my daily life.  If I am talking on the phone or in the kitchen cooking I will do leg lifts or side bends.  When watching TV I will get up during commercials and do something that gets me moving.  I really get up and moving when I am watching The Biggest Loser.  That show for me is very motivating and I will get up and do exercises I see them doing on the show during the commercials.

We all know that one of the many benefits from exercising is building stronger muscles.  Stronger muscles burn more calories so you get the benefit of burning calories even at rest.  Another benefit is if you exercise you will probably lose some weight, or maintain your already healthy weight.  Exercising also keeps your bones strong.

Make it your goal this New Year to get motivated about exercising.  Click on the title The Benefits of Exercising to read more great benefits to exercising.  Happy exercising everyone!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Goals for 2011

So I have been thinking lately about getting my goals for the New Year on paper.  I did that tonight and thought if I share them then I will hold myself more accountable for them.  I really want to make this year fun and exciting, and strive to be a better person.  Not that I am a bad person or anything but just step up my game so to speak. :)  I'm a little nervous about sharing these but one of my goals is to step out of my comfort zone, so here goes.......

1.  Become a Melaleuca Director by end of January.
2.  Reach Melaleuca's 20/20 club by end of March.
3.  Be consistent & disciplined in building my business.
4.  Help others reach their goal of building an at home business.
5.  Date night with my hubby!
6.  Have the financial freedom to do some traveling.
7.  Start volunteering.
8.  Stay positive.
9.  Step out of my comfort zone.

If anyone else would like to share their goals feel free to post them in the comments.  I am really interested in hearing what other people strive for in their lives to make it a positive one.


Monday, December 27, 2010

A Blessed Holiday

Christmas is full of shiny things
That sparkle, gleam and glow;
These holiday pleasures dazzle us,
And yet, deep down, we know...

That Christmas has its special gifts,
But our year-round joy depends
On the cherished people in our lives,
Our family and our friends.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why I Love Melaleuca

Why I love Melaleuca? Well, the products of course. They are amazing. I feel so energized from taking their Vitality for Life vitamins. I have made my house safe with their non-toxic cleaners, and I can’t say enough about the laundry detergent. Their awesome product list just goes on and on, and to boot you just don’t benefit from their products you can also earn an income.

Christmas Cookies

Yesterday I went to my mom's house and baked Christmas cookies with my mom, my sis, my Aunt Doris, and my daughter Kendra.  We all had a great time.  We baked some Italian Viscotta Cookies, which are a family tradition for us, and we baked some Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip cookies.  The Neiman Marcus cookies were first timers for us but they turned out very good.   Here are the Italian cookies....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Couple Things

I just used Sol-U-Mel from Melaleuca for the first time this morning and boy am I excited.  I used it as a stain remover for some pet stains that I HAD on the carpet...some new and some OLD.  It removed them all so easily.  I was amazed.  It had me so excited I was going around and looking for any little old stain I could find to use it on.  Sol-U-Mel can also be used as a deodorizer and an everyday cleaner.  Another product from Melaleuca that proves itself to be the best.

Also this morning I made some fresh orange juice in my Jack La Lanne juicer.  I mixed a few clementines in with it.  It was very good.  I made some banana orange muffins with the pulp that was left from juicing, and they turned out good too.  One of the great things about juicing is the pulp that is left can be used for baking, and making smoothies.  Using the pulp in recipes adds fiber, which is something we all need.  The Jack La Lanne juicer is so easy to clean too.  Most of the pieces can be put right in the dishwasher and I love that!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Short & Sweet

Check it out & request your free info today!

On another note...I just finished working out & I wanted to recommend the work out.  I tried Kendall Hogan's Power Cardio Burn on Exercise TV for the 1st time and really liked it.  It was easy to follow & really got my heart pumping.  You can find this on Comcast OnDemand Exercise TV under Don't Gain a Pound.  Gotta go & jump in the shower.  Bye for now.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Just a Little Frustrated

It's 11:20 pm and here I am trying to figure out how to design my blog to make it look its best.  Computers really aren't my thing so I am struggling, but I will figure this all out eventually.  Today my husband & I went to watch our son in a little Christmas play at school.  They did a reading of The Polar Express.  It was really cute.  It really helps to be working from home for these types of events.   I don't need a bosses permission since I am my own boss.  :)
My 2 youngest are spending the weekend at my parents along with their cousin.  My dad is really into trains and has a large train garden.  This weekend he is having an open house & the kids love to go over to help him, or maybe drive him crazy.  He loves it though.
Well I'm getting sleepy so I will end with a quote I saw today:
 If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living.
Gail Sheehy

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My first blog post.

Ok, I am new to this thing called blogging so please be patient.  Anyone out there who can give me some tips, all would be greatly appreciated.  Today it is snowing and schools are dismissing early so I am waiting for my kids to get home safely.  Wow I can't believe there are only 9 days till Christmas.  Where has this year gone?  I am hoping that 2011 shapes up to be better than 2010.  My husband's mother passed away in March, I lost my job in April, and my grandfather just passed away last week.  I am so glad that I found Melaleuca.  This is giving me the chance to do what I have always dreamed from home. daughter Kendra is now home safely.  Two more to go.  Ashley has her last final tonight, and then she is home for winter break.  I am very worried about the 2 hour commute she has to make tonight to get home though with this snow.  I am going to try to talk her into coming home tomorrow morning instead.